Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Tips for teacher on how to deal with kids/students suffering from diabetes

Children with diabetes may have different symptoms of low blood sugar. Although they may be similar in many cases they are not always the same. Situations that can affect students blood sugar are insulin, food intake, exercise, illness, stress or any change in routine. Soon you'll find that each student has typical reactions to low blood sugar.

A student who is suffering from diabetes may have to eat snacks periodically in the classroom. Understand that they MUST eat whenever they feel low. This is not a choice but a necessity.

Never, ever label a child with diabetes as „the diabetic kid”. He wants to feel just like any other child, unique and special.

Do not sympathize but empathize. A child or anyone else by that matter does not want or need your sympathy. He needs understanding, acceptance and support.

Always carry a snack of anykind with you whenever you and your student leave the classroom or school. A small can of juice with some crackers may work best.

Never leave the child alone or send him anywhere unassisted by someone, even a classmate, when experiencing low blood sugar.

A student with diabetes should be allowed to leave for the bathroom at any given time and have a bottle of water on them always when their blood sugar is high. Don't make him ask for permission as he may feel embarrassed.

Be patient with the student. He may show lack of organization, however this is due to high/low blood sugar levels, that may make it difficult for them to concentrate at times. You may have to repeat yourself occasionally.